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Coaching Models

I'm delighted to share with you some of the models and examples of the tools we'll be utilizing based on your goals.



Wheel of Life

This powerful tool will enable you to assess the various facets of your life, distinguishing between areas that are thriving and those that require attention and improvement.


With eight key dimensions, it guides you to assess balance and identify priorities for personal development.


Doing this exercise allows you to reflect on the reasons behind your satisfaction or dissatisfaction in specific areas to make informed decisions and cultivate a life aligned with your aspirations.



GROW is your roadmap to success, comprising four essential components: Goal, Reality, Options, and Will.


Together, we'll craft SMART goals and develop a strategic plan to achieve them.


By assessing your current reality, identifying challenges, and exploring innovative solutions, GROW empowers you to seize opportunities and unleash your creativity to find new ways to solve problems.


Johari Window

This tool will help you improve your relationships by showing how you see yourself and how others see you. I find it especially useful for teamwork because it encourages open communication and builds trust among team members.


I will tailor its application to diverse cultural contexts, facilitating constructive conversations, conflict resolution, and problem-solving post-feedback sessions.


Complementing it with a feedforward session, we collaboratively generate actionable strategies for future growth and behavior. Let's harness the Johari Window to enhance relationships, elevate teamwork, and foster personal and professional development.


Reflected Best Self

With this tool, you will gain a deeper understanding of your strengths, values, and goals. It involves asking your network to seek feedback from your strengths to create your own portrait of how you are perceived at your best. 


These insights serve as a mirror, reflecting on your "best self" and guiding us to insightful conversations about your talents. This will guide us to an insightful conversation about your talents and how to capitalize on them to live aligned with your values.


Ladder of Inference

This tool sheds light on how our beliefs are formed, revealing hidden biases that often make you jump quickly from facts to conclusions. 


I will use this tool to help you think about why you make certain decisions or act in certain ways. It's all about reflecting on your own thoughts and how others might see things differently.


With the ladder of inference, you can see how your beliefs affect the information you pay attention to. It's like a loop that helps you understand your own thinking better.

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